So my time at the Sunday Times Magazine is once again drawing to a close. Been there just over a week working on a project for them-and pretty much left to my own devices to work on it which has been really good experience. No idea what I'll be doing this time next week though. I rarely know much in advance. Did have a good week though-met Philip Jones Griffiths and got my book signed, met up with magnum people a couple of times, got myself on the guest list for the VII seminar and been working hard doing research for this up and coming documentary I'm working on which may see me being sent to Vietnam. As ever though I'm plagued with doubt of my abilites and an uncertain future-getting quite used to it- my life is full of plenty of peaks and troughs. The shot from above is another one from a recent test shoot with an actor.
A recent self commissioned shoot that I did using a concept that I've been playing around with in my head for awhile. Probably inspired by 'Lost' posters and the like. Was good fun to do and I'm sure I'll be posting up others from the shoot soon. Make up artist: Lucie Oliver, Models: Austin, Alex and Kyla
So the exhibition launch at HOST went very well last night-the gallery was jam packed I think everyone seemed to be having a good time. Met some really nice people from Magnum, some photographers such at Steve Forrest from Insight Visual and Aubrey Wade, a Panos photographer, along with Chris Steele Perkins-a magnum legend. Tomorrow I'm heading back to the Sunday Times to work on project with them for a week which should be interesting. Got another fashion shoot this weekend-but trying to sort some perosnal projects that I want to start-but need to save up some pennies for a fast wide 17-40 f/4 is beautiful but just won't cut it.
These are just some shots I took today with one of the Insight-Visual photographers cameras (the one day I decide not to lug my camera in and I get asked to take pics!). I've been helping refurb (er..I mean paint) the gallery whilst interning for Foto8-so those walls that are so splendid and white...they're mine. I own those walls. The official launch is tomorrow night and judging by the amount of booze in the stock cupboard it could be an interesting evening...
This was a profile shot for the University of Adelaide of one of their high flying alumni now based in london. Had to get shot for them in an iconic London location. And seeing as the chap was called Ben the tacky puns the picture would offer them were too good to miss!
These are all recent shots from PR work over the last week or so. Starting at the top; a profile pic of a Kings employee, then a profile shot of a think tank employee (shot in the British Museum...very quickly and on the sly!), a shot from a global dentist conference held in a London hotel, a labour MP, Andrew Love, visiting a lab at Guys hospital, and lastly a group of school children in workshop. As you can see it's all pretty random work, and therefore great practice because you often have have little to no time to grab the picture and each situation is different and therefore provides new challeneges-especially in terms of lighting. For example the lab shot had three flashes, and the pic in the British Museum (2nd down) is entirely natural light.
These are two more pictures from the shoot below. Our bathroom seems to be getting quite a bit of use lately. Only problem with this is that our power shower is currently broken so had to just pour water over the model and get her to keep lying down in the bath!
Hehe...I've always wanted to do this, and I finally found a suitable victim! Also played around with some post prodcution to get that illustrated hyper-real look, which seems popular in hollywood advertising at the moment.
This is one image from the latest shoot that I've done for the 'House of Boing' fashion label. It was shot in a hotel in Canary Wharf, and in total lasted about 8 hours. Once again I turned up suffering from the previous nights excesses but luckily for me the shoot went well. It was all shot with speedlights, only using umbrellas and the odd gel here and there. Trying to build up a decent fashion portfolio so that I can get up a gallery on the website. Still pondering the future however and trying to figure about my next move...