Just a heads up that I have a 5 page feature in this months F2 magazine in the 'starting out' section. It followed an hour long phone interview that I did for them a few weeks ago - quite frankly I'm always nervous as to how things like that are going to turn out. Thankfully they were kind to me and didn't present me as the gibbering idiot that I probably sounded like on the phone! Anyway I've included some scans for you to look at. And before anyone asks, in the profile pic those are sunglasses on my head and not a Yarmulke!
In other news I had a feature on the popular lighting website strobist which was a real honour. They did a feature using the Colin Firth behind the scenes video and raised some interesting points, David Hobby is particularly good at giving constructive feedback. That's what's great about the web community - you get a lot of feedback and debate. You do also get the odd, what I like to term as, 'armchair opinion', but as long as you don't take it all too personally then it can be very useful.