So it's been a bit quiet here on the blog, that's because 7 days ago I went in to have laser surgery done on my eyes in attempt to correct the short sightedness (myopia) I've had since a young age. To say I thought long and hard about the operation would be only half the truth. When the technology started to be used in the mainstream about 10 years ago, I was interested and keen to have it done, however I felt the need to wait it out and too see what improvements would be made in the surgery. Fast forward to early 2010 and I end up having two conversations within a matter of weeks with people that lead very active lives and had recently had the operation themselves. A few weeks later I'd booked myself in.
Going on the logic that the surgery is only as good as the surgeon I booked in with one of the UK's leading eye surgeons,
Professor Dan Reinstein at the
London Vision Clinic. The surgery went well, and it was a painless if not a completely odd experience, and if I were to sum it up in one banal phrase it would be like entering the twilight zone. It did feel slightly like a alien abduction and was in some ways a quite out of body experience. One week on my vision is perfect. I get tired, irritable and dry eyes if I spend too long in front of the computer, which is to be expected at this stage, but by and large everything's fine.
Some people told me it was too much of gamble what with my profession relying on my vision, and I partly agree with that, but I also felt that the benefits of successful surgery were worth the risks (and cost) - of course only time will tell. I've not had any epiphany moments yet with the vision and this is partly because I've been so busy with work (no sick days for the self employed) and the recovering is still ongoing and at times uncomfortable...but I shall keep you posted.
Thanks to Professor Reinstein for the image below, and Charlie for the image above...and for the post operative care =)