I don't know why but I still really like the top photo - I think it's the slightly hectic composition. I imagine I'd been looking at too much work by Alex Webb or someone. Anyway the rest of the images from that series is up online and you can view it here.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Serbian building site, Mitrovica, Kosovo. Nov/Dec 2007
I don't know why but I still really like the top photo - I think it's the slightly hectic composition. I imagine I'd been looking at too much work by Alex Webb or someone. Anyway the rest of the images from that series is up online and you can view it here.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Recent photoshoot: Jeff Bridges
This was a shoot that I had come through just before Christmas - the type of assignment that gets you immediately excited and on a high, but at the same time put's you on edge as you start planning the shoot and going through various scenarios in your head. Of course with any job like this there's only so much you can plan, everything remains fluid. As it was we were the last people of the day to get a slot with Jeff and we had to fit an interview and a photoshoot into precisely 10 minutes! I knew the image was going to run in black and white which removed a number of problems (the room we were in had about 3 types of lighting and the walls were terrible terracotta brown - the whole set up looked like a fake Roman villa). The black and white therefore was a blessing, however I had to figure how to add some drama with the lighting. Being that we were shooting an actor with fairly distinctive features I knew I could afford for his face to be partly in shadow and for him to still be recognisable. But of course any complicated light set up is not ideal when you have such a short time slot with the talent, mainly because it limits how much they can move (especially when you're working, as I was, unassisted and have to therefore move all the lights yourself!). To add to that I had get the shiniest award I've ever seen, in shot, whilst still being able to read logo on it. Needless to say, it gave me a lot to think about and not much time to engage that much with 'the dude'. But what can you do - sometimes in those situations you just need to slip into autopilot and make sure you get the job done.
Friday, January 21, 2011
I have a new website!!
Yes that's right I've finally got a new website - it's been about 3 months in the making (the fun of trying to fit a project in around a busy work schedule) but it's finally here. It has a new 'Moving Image' section which you can expect to be updated as various projects come back from the edit suite. It also has a Personal section which my old site didn't have, allowing me to put some of my projects that don't seem to fit anywhere else. You'll also find a lot of new work on there.
Please check it out and let me know what you think! www.gregfunnell.com
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Delving into 'Moving Image'
Here's a video I shot early last year for Henry Herbert Tailoring. All shot on the 5D mkII. Thanks go to Luke and Danfung for helping with the camera work and Riccardo for some excellent editing.
For those interested here's some quick behind the scenes snaps - firstly my camera in a very makeshift scooter rig (I was very nervous about this!), and secondly the epic customised glidecam rig Danfung brought to the party.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Midnight is a place
Had some film back from the lab yesterday, which is always a mixture of excitement, tinged with dread (at the prospect of all the scanning). This is an image from an ongoing personal series titled 'Midnight is a place'.
Friday, January 07, 2011
Thursday, January 06, 2011
Pristina, Kosovo 2007
Been trawling through my archives in prep for a major website overhaul. I found this image taken in some underground tunnels close to where I was staying in Pristina, Kosovo back in 2007.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Playwright: Richard Bean

Sunday, January 02, 2011
Happy New Year...
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