Some of you out there may have read the story recently of a suitcase that turned up in Mexico not so long ago containing the lost negatives of the famous Robert Capa, his Friend and fellow founder of Magnum David 'Chim' Seymour and Capa's then partner Gerda Taro. The images disappeared in the chaos of war in mainland Europe and somehow ended up half way round the world in Mexico nearly half a century later. What is amazing is the luck that someone realised the importance of the negatives and was able to contact the International Centre of Photography in New York and begin a 11 year dialogue that has finally seen the images make their way to New York and hopefully into the public realm. This is exciting not only because it will add to the Capa collection from the Civil War but because it will hopefully go someway to recognizing the importance of Gerda Taro's work (some of which has previously been presumed to be Capa's photos). Anyway check out this nifty interactive multimedia piece where Trisha Ziff explains the story in more detail. Thanks go to Sion Touhig and his blog for bringing this to my attention.
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