Arrived back in the UK last night, after having spent a month in Pristina working in Kosovo on the run up to independence. Was a very interesting month and I was lucky enough to have a feature with World Picture News and also to do a commission through them for the Financial Times (UK) that saw me working in Tirana, Albania. I will start to post images up, but the story is not yet finished and ultimately I hope to make a mutlimedia piece...so watch this space. Keep an eye on my flickr page for updates of single images.
Just before I flew out I was lucky enough to have some work on the BBC website and that has meant that my own website has taken a considerable number of hits over the last month or so. So much so in fact that I've incurred a penalty! - however it has led to interesting propositions of work and projects for the new year. In January I aim to update and tweak the website and then I shall hopefully be figuring out my next trip for February or March time.
If I don't update this before then I wish you all a seasons greetings and a happy new year.