These photos were taken at Bil'in a village in the West bank where the current 'security wall' is being built. Every Friday a deomonstration is organised that marches to the edge of the village to show the opposition to the building of the wall. More often than not these demonstrations are completely peaceful. On this particular day the deomstration was peacful but for some unknown reason the border police reacted violently which led to a number of people being wounded with rubber bullets, inlcuding the man in the picture who later slipped into a coma (He was hit three times in the head and neck area. It should aslo be noted that he was an Israeli from Tel Aviv demonstrating against the wall). The use of rubber bullets seemed to me heavy handed. And watching the video from the incident found at this link http://mishtara.org/blog/?p=70 I still think that to be the case. But you should watch it yourselves and make up your own mind. The photos from the day weren't great mainly because I was worried about taking a round in the face or head, hencing me working behind the soldiers! The photographs are published in the order they happened so you can see that the soldiers fired on the protesters with rubber bullets and stun grenades before closing in to confront them.